Home / News / Projected exports of flour and fish oil similar to 2013
Proyectan exportaciones de Harina y Aceite de pescado similares a las de 2013

Projected exports of flour and fish oil similar to 2013

The National Fisheries Society (SNP) estimates that this year Peru could export fish meal and oil for $ 1.823 million, similar to the 2013 figure and 20% below the USD 2,300 million in 2012.

The SNP plans to close 2014, landings of anchoveta reach 3.51 million tons, half the average annual landings between 2000 and 2011, which was 6.8 million tons.

The intended landing just over 3 million tonnes come from the north-central and the rest of the southern region.
The association said that as soon as the season began on 23 April, the low catches revealed it would be a very difficult season, and if the restriction on fishing in the Gaza Miles 5-10 are not eliminated, not could complete the fishing quota set.

However, he also stressed that after several weeks of high temperatures, the cold began to get to the coast in early July, and this resulted in an improvement in the catch of anchovy, which reached 45,000 tons daily.

However, the SNP projects this year will get to fish about 68% of the fishing quota.
For the first fishing season, if only that percentage would stop fishing capture some 820,000 tonnes of the quota allocated, representing that no longer receive about US $ 385 million exports.

According to the organization, the dynamics of exports of fish meal and oil in 2014 is determined by the discharge of Anchovy registered in the last quarter of 2013 and the first three quarters of this year.

Por ello, “industry results from the perspective of exports, are always out of step with landings that generate”.

According to the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE), overseas shipments of fishery resources in April generated USD 173.1 million in revenue, up 17.5% on the same month in 2013, when its value was USD 209.8 million.
Meanwhile, the export volume was down 10.9% to 91,800 tonnes compared to 103,000 tonnes shipped a year earlier.
These decreases were primarily due to lower sales of fish meal and oil.

SOURCE: Fis.com

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