Home / News / National / The trout, the fish was brought to Peru and raised by miners
La Trucha, el pez que fue traído al Perú y criado por mineros

The trout, the fish was brought to Peru and raised by miners

Las Truchas are so mired in the collective imagination of the people who saw the Peruvian believes so as potatoes, aguaymanto or maca. It is a dish that is considered to originate in the gaps and they have shared the magic and power of our "snow-capped". But no. They are not Peruvian. Good account is basically a product of mining, but most do not come for food but for recreation.
His arrival is basically due to two people: JR
The year was 1924, the first attempt was a failure.
The variety of trout introduced in Peru was the rainbow and, legend has it, was the wife of a superintendent, called Norman Etelly, which captured a trout six pounds in a creek under Chulec bridge near the District
It was Mitchell who in 1930 gave fifty rainbow trout Vivanco Juan Morales, who took them to Quichay, near the district town of Ingenio, on the banks of river Chiapuquio.
As well this variety of Peruvian trout waters in 1941, from Ingenio, left twenty-five thousand eggs of this fish to Puno, the fish station Chucuito adapted.
Resistance and adaptation of trout, especially in parts of the Andean region of the country, has allowed it to be regarded as a resource and business productive and sustainable form.
Today, mining has again set eyes on trout, but not to encourage their fishing but to encourage reproduction and becomes future livelihood of families today are being impacted by mining, when it disappears from your
But the rainbow trout, is not only in Peru, has been introduced to more than forty-five countries.
Trout has not only extraordinarily suited to the nature of our waters, but even the way we think and feel. Have peruanizado; US is no longer there. If the miners who brought the saw today probably do not recognize as the species aficionaban its fishing, but that would be like every other Peruvians, whose habitat was a Fish Always Peru.
SOURCE: Elcomercio.pe

About Peru Pesquero

One comment

  1. Excellent news, and this fish was aware, thank you very much for keeping us informed, keep well.

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