Home / News / International / Government of Chile denies proposed solution to Sea Bolivia
Gobierno de Chile niega que haya propuesto salida al Mar a Bolivia

Government of Chile denies proposed solution to Sea Bolivia

The Chilean government denied that during the first term of Michelle Bachelet secret steps were taken to find a solution to the demand for Bolivia to have an outlet to the sea, as the president of the landlocked country, Evo Morales previously claimed.

The Speaker of the Currency, Alvaro Elizalde stressed that “or during the first government of President Bachelet, nor during the second government, Chile has proposed a sovereign access to the sea for Bolivia, that has never happened and we want to be categorical”.

In statements given after receiving an acknowledgment of the Bar of the City of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Morales referred to the negotiations saying that two heads of state appointed delegates responsibility to find a solution to the Bolivian maritime aspiration.

Elizalde replied acknowledging that in the past a 13-point agenda for a rapprochement with the neighboring country was reviewed, but said he was never a secret negotiation for an outlet to Mar.

Morales said Bolivia's delegate was the former president of the Senate, Ana Maria Romero de Campero, who died in October 2010.
He recalled that back then demanded a proposal Chile “official, legal and formal” on maritime claim, but got no response until he finished the first management Bachelet.

SOURCE: Bbc.co.uk

About Genesis Vasquez Saldana

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