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El aumento del nivel del Mar no tiene precedentes

The sea level rise is unprecedented

Sea level rose unusually 20 inches over the past 100 years, a phenomenon that is unprecedented in millennia, according to a study released today in Australia.

The research, published in “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”Analyzes the sea level fluctuations over the last 35,000 years based on changes in the volume of ice on Earth.

“In the last 6000 years before it began to increase the water level in modernity Sea level was quite stable”Said study co-author Kurt Lambeck, Researcher at the Australian National University on ABC.

Lambeck said that during those millennia have not found evidence of oscillations of 25 or 30 inches in periods of 100 years or more but that trend changed from industrialization with increased calling it “unusual”.

“In the last 150 years we have seen the water level rise at a rate of several millimeters per year and our oldest records we have not seen similar behavior”Said the scientist who linked this phenomenon to the increase in temperature on the planet.

The research also found that natural fluctuations in sea levels over the past 6000 years were lower than suggested by previous studies. “This point has been quite controversial because many people claimed that the sea level had fluctuated in large quantities, something like several hundred meters in years and we have found no evidence to prove it”, agregó Lambeck.

The study also addresses the complex relationship between the melting and rising sea levels, which involves factors such as the gravitational attraction between the ice and water, and causes an increase in sea level in some areas of the planet and a decrease in others. Another is the weight of the ice sheets, which crush the crust and contributes to lower sea level, a situation that is reversed when the ice melts.

SOURCE: Elcomercio.pe

About Genesis Vasquez Saldana

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