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COP 20: Produce suscribirá diez compromisos por la Pesca responsable y sostenible

COP 20: Produce subscribe ten commitments for responsible and sustainable fishing

The COP 20 will host the December 4 the signing of the "Ten commitments to responsible and sustainable fisheries", promoted by the Ministry of Production (Produce) to promote the care of the sea and the preservation of marine resources.

This means respecting closures, stopping overfishing of species in less than the allowed sizes, respect for fishing zones reserved, among others.

"Preserving the species of sea, rivers and lakes, protecting them from possible decline or extinction"Is one of the most important commitments of the document subscribe Produce with private sector representatives, fishermen, universities, plus recognized chef, athletes and committed to the defense of the environment, the sea and the resources artists dwell therein.

The signing of this document will be made during the "Fishing Day" or "Fishing Day" event organized by the Ministry of Production in the framework of the exhibition "Climate Voices" and as part of their participation in the Twentieth Conference Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change - COP 20.

The commitments seek to promote the actors involved in fishing and the general support surveillance and control for Responsible Fisheries, facilitating the work of the inspectors should neither fish nor consume protected species (dolphins, turtles and sea lions ) and respecting the closed seasons.

Similarly, to respect the prohibition of fishing in restricted areas, use only the arts and allowed rigs for the extraction of fishing resources, and meet the requirements and conditions of permits, licenses and authorizations acquired.

Other commitments suggest that fishing vessels remain permanently active satellite equipment (SISESAT) installed on each of them and avoid the informal processing of fishery resources in the open.

The Deputy Minister of Fisheries, Juan Carlos Requejo, said the signing of the "Act 10 Commitments for Sustainable and Responsible Fisheries" is part of the campaign “Pesca Sostenible, Consumidores Responsables”, including information campaigns in supermarkets, workshops traders and transporters of marine resources and installing modules for monitoring and surveillance, among others.

He said that while such commitments are directed to the fisheries sector, citizens can contribute to its implementation in their role as a consumer.

"One of the main problems we face as a country is overfishing of species that do not meet the minimum size or juveniles, ie they have failed to reproduce. When these species are caught, serious harm to the sustainability of the marine ecosystem, rivers and lakes occurs "He emphasized.

He added it is essential to create awareness in the consumer population.

"This is essential considering that large sections of the population are unaware of the issue of minimum sizes, and this includes relatively well informed and high capacity to consume social segments"He said, referring to the acceptance that exists regarding the consumption of dishes made of "Octopus baby", "Corvinilla", "Jurelillo" among others.

Fishing Day
The "Fishing Day" is the activity that leads the Ministry of Production in the framework of the COP 20. Institutions and organizations in the public and private sectors will make their presentations around the central theme of the event, which will be the "Sustainability of Fisheries and Food Security ".

During the nearly ten hours will the issues Fishing Day "Managing tackle climate change", "Good fishing practices" and "responsible consumption" will be developed, to conclude then with the signing of the "Ten Commitments for Responsible Fisheries and sustainable ".

SOURCE: Gestion.pe

About Genesis Vasquez Saldana

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