Home / News / With holiday seamen asked San Pedro a plentiful catch
Con festividad hombres de mar pidieron a San Pedro una abundante pesca

With holiday seamen asked San Pedro a plentiful catch

Amid a great feast fishermen District Huanchaco (Trujillo) asked their patron saint, San Pedro, abundant fishing and protection from violent waves to return safely after each task.
As is tradition for the Day of the Fisherman, the picture came out in procession accompanied by many faithful and a band of music, from the mother church to the beach, where he was taken from his litter up “patacho”.

The boat went up the Pastor Bernardo Sánchez; Mayor Huanchaco, José Ruiz Vega and others, who with San Pedro walked for 20 minutes and managed symbolically sea fishing two smooth.
"The El Niño phenomenon has caused many fish liberteñas away from the coast, so we're asking that San Pedrito bless the sea and give us abundant fish, for that is the livelihood of our families," said fisherman Javier Huamanchumo Terrones, President of the Brotherhood of the Apostle Peter.

En Talara miles de pescadores de las caletas y puertos de la ciudad celebraron en medio de cantos, al ritmo de coloridas bandas de música, oficios religiosos y la tradicional procesión en barco de sus patronos San Pedro y San Pablo,

In that sense, in the port of San Pedro North cone Talara, as in the lower harbor San Pablo La Brea-Negritos and in Lobitos, Cabo Blanco, El Ñuro, Bodies and Mancora, the festival began of appreciation for the work year that had the seamen. As usual, wreaths sea rushed in remembrance and tribute to the fishermen who lost their lives during their marine sites.

In Chimbote, despite the announcement of closure of anomalous wave port, seamen also paid tribute to San Pedro whose image paraded on a boat. Accompanying the activity more than 1,500 people.
In the port of Paita municipal authorities and the Captaincy reminded that images of Saint Peter and Saint Paul were brought to Paita by a lady from Sullana. Fishermen asked to bless, give them abundant fishing and accompany at sea.

SOURCE: Larepublica.pe

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