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Produce autoriza pesca exploratoria de Anchoveta

Produce authorize pesca explorer Anchoveta

After receiving the recommendation of the Scientific Institute of Mar del Peru (IMARPE), the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) authorized a period of exploratory fishing for anchovy in three specific areas of the Peruvian coast, between days 11 and July 13 of this

Through this measure the behavioral pattern of anchovy in grades 08 ° -10 ° S (ref between areas of Malabrigo, La Libertad and Ancash Huarmey) was observed; -11 ° 30'S 11 ° (reference between Vegueta and Huacho, Lima in the region) and 13 ° - 13 ° 30'S (reference in Cerro Azul, in the region Lima and Pisco in Ica region), and between 8 and 10 nm.

The scheme was proposed by IMARPE after issuing the "Report Survey of Fishing boats using Siege", held on 21 and 22 June, which reports specific oceanographic conditions in parts of the Peruvian sea.

Industrial vessels which have valid fishing permit for the extraction of anchovy, with maximum catch per boat of the north-central area and are determined by IMARPE may participate in the scheme.

The Ministry of Production publish a list of the vessels involved in the exploration and discounted resources extracted Maximum Catch Limits per Vessel that was allocated for this fishing season, which expires on July 31, 2014.
It also established that the extracted resources may be processed in the processing plants that have current operating license. Owners of fishing vessels shall comply with the security measures of juveniles, catch or otherwise, issued by the ministry.

Exceptional temporary regime
On the other hand, based on a report by IMARPE, the Ministry of Production authorized a derogation temporary industrial Anchovy fishing from July 10 until July 31, to permit resource extraction in two specific areas the coast.

These two zones are in grades 07 ° - 08 ° S (ref between Cherrepe and Malabrigo, in La Libertad region) and 12 ° - 13 ° S (between Cerro Azul and Callao, in Lima region) between 8 and 10 miles from the coast.

Thus, he ruled the order to capture the industrial fleet Anchovies from five nautical miles along the coast.
Based on the survey conducted between 21 and 22 June where purse seiners involved, scientific institution was determined that there is evidence of the occurrence of an exceptional situation where you determine areas of the Peruvian sea, by the presence of warm waters and the arrival Kelvin waves to the Peruvian coast.

This unique system can be temporarily suspended under management measures issued by the Produce to protect juveniles of anchovy. You can also be suspended on the report IMARPE not persist the extraordinary conditions that sustained it.

IMARPE made monitoring and tracking of key biological indicators of Anchovies also the actions of monitoring, control and surveillance shall be carried out according to the reports of Satellite Tracking System, as well as inspectors from the Directorate General of Monitoring and Control Produce in order to prevent the discarding of juvenile fish and other unlawful conduct.

Those who fail to comply with the rule will be subject to penalties as established in the Consolidated Text of the Rules of Inspections and Appeals Fisheries and Aquaculture (RISPAC).

FUENTE: Gestion.pe

About Peru Pesquero

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