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First Lady warns need to review and improve trade policies to ensure health and feeding people

In his address to authorities worldwide, gathered this morning at the World Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) that performs the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Rome, the First Lady of Peru, Nadine Heredia, special ambassador of FAO, stressed the need to promote multilateral trade “put in the center to people, their health and their right to food”.

The multilateral trading He held the First lady said “equtitativo be and should not use food as an instrument of political or economic pressure”.

“Today in the world live hunger and malnutrition to obesity and overweight, new evils associated with malnutrition. All this as an expression of a system that privileges profit, rampant consumerism and individualism above the welfare, the common good and health of people”He said.


The First Lady, as a special ambassador of Quinoa for the International Year of Family Farming, called on governments to support family farmers who provide food to the world and are the first victims of malnutrition and poverty.

“Farming families, guardians of ancestral crops such as quinoa, and technical and traditional knowledge as the terraces of the Incas, have in their hands the protection of large food pantry planet's biodiversity”He said.

Given that obesity, the other side of malnutrition, affects about 500 million people worldwide, Nadine Heredia also referred to the need to “educate new generations for responsible consumption”

In that regard, he said that “of little use” safeguard our biodiversity, promote the production of fresh and healthy food, if at par our states “not shall endeavor to raise awareness of healthy eating practices and not normatively protect its population from large packaged food business”.

Nadine Heredia endorsed the Political Declaration and Framework for Action of the Second International Conference on Nutrition. “This is a long-term project, which commits governments, civil society, the business community and cooperation, in a further impetus for achieving the goals. Not forgetting that behind those goals, those numbers there faces and stories”He concluded.

SOURCE: Fao.org

About Genesis Vasquez Saldana

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