Home / News / International / Chilean Fisheries involved in corruption to reveal e-mail to carve fish
Pesca chilena envuelta en corrupción al revelarse e-mail de repartija de peces

Chilean Fisheries involved in corruption to reveal e-mail to carve fish

Longueria industrial abortion law to benefit them with the business license and fishing quotas

Page www.elciudadano.cl, published the email, which shows that the question Longueria Act came after a meeting held October 21, 2011, among the seven families and former Minister Pablo Longueira, besides the portal says, it was there, where he wove

It also indicates that at the meeting with key also agreed the "modus operandi" for negotiated with the leaders of the two confederations of artisanal fisheries and parliamentarians, and organize most common expropriation of assets and natural resources after civil-military dictatorship in Chile: Chilean privatization of valuable fisheries.


correo 2-2


The email reveals that Hector Bacigalupo, at that time political operative of the National Fisheries Society (Sonapesca) and current CEO of fisheries employer sends details of how it would negotiate with big business, after discovering modification the Fisheries Act.

The meeting was attended by: Pablo Longueira and advisers, the former Undersecretary of Fisheries Pablo Galilea, also the current reported and investigated by a case of bribery and bribery, Francisco Mujica, Corpesca company owned by Roberto Angellini CEO.

Longueira and "fishing cartel"

The email shows that Pablo Longueira Bacigalupo indicated that 100% of fishing permits licenses would become fully tradable and divisible fishing, eliminating the licenses to 20 years for subsequent tender, adding that 50% of licenses would

This agreed proposal would set a floor for the industry that is equivalent to what is presented in Table fractionation, measured in tons, based 2011 and will be valid for any formula that study, highlighting Longueira all will be well tied, and

Everything is politically decide

Similarly, Bacigalupo said to be a floor that is the Critical Point - PC-, or PC, plus the loan at fractionation owners of artisanal fisheries, said that under this floor will not tender and the

On the other hand, Bacigalupo also said it agreed to establish and support the fishing table -conformada by artisanal and CONFEPACH CONAPACH leaders, with the agreed division, referring to the transfer agreement fishing quotas from the craft industry.

Finally, in the email mention is that with the approach Sonapesca, were studying some incentive for small-scale fisheries can accept a freeze on fees and recovery of biomass.


About Peru Pesquero

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