Home / News / International / SPAIN: Albacore fee could increase in 2015 Coastal
ESPAÑA: La cuota de Atún Blanco podría aumentar en la costera de 2015

SPAIN: Albacore fee could increase in 2015 Coastal

The Minister of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Government of Cantabria, Blanca Martinez, announced Saturday the representatives of the coastal fleet in Laredo “Predictably” that the share of albacore in 2015 to increase since 2013 adjusted quota was “significantly higher than the maximum historically held by the Spanish fleet”.

Santander, 16 (EUROPA PRESS)
He said during his visit to the port of pejina villa, which has concentrated hundreds of people during the contest kettle, which was accompanied by Fernando Burgaz, CEO of the food industry in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment Environment.

El incremento de cuota se produce, reseñó la Consejera, “because, contrary to the opinion of the European Commission, which initially sought to limit the amount of unused quota can be transferred two years later, he led Spain into the European Union, with ex-Minister Arias Cañete to spearhead the ”.

Martinez recalled that the share of albacore in the North Atlantic is determined following the recommendations of ICCAT, the last of which was approved at the annual meeting of the organization in November 2013 in Cape Town, setting a global TAC of 28,000 tonnes for 2014 and 2015, the year in which a new stock assessment will occur.

This TAC has remained stable since 2010 at 28,000 tonnes, of which 21,551.3 outside the EU, where the share of 13,361 that is assigned to the Spanish fleet included.

However, within the allocated quota, the annual fluctuations allows ICCAT regulations that authorize the transfer of unused quotas in an exercise for consumption two years later, always within a transfer limit that can not exceed 25% of the fee Overall a contracting party.

This has resulted in cases of low-fee, increases the adjusted quota in any year. Thus in 2011, the Spanish government declared a catch (8,300 tonnes) barely exceeded 50% share available for Spain (16,000 tons), which in 2013 allowed the adjusted quota of Spain “shoot” above 17,000 tonnes.

However, in 2012, declared by the Spanish consumer, resulting from the fleet “careful control” fishery, it rose to 97% of the adjusted quota Spain for that year (14,000 tons), allowing a transfer “more limited” remnant to the quota in 2014, once adjusted and approved by the TAC and quota regulation, equivalent to 13,757 tons (400 more than the actual share of Spain).

“I have said many times that for us the fishing sector is strategic”, explicó la consejera, “thus generating economic activity and the fact that it is an activity that is part of the identity of this region”.

Por eso, argumentó, “Not only should we continue taking steps with the fleet to keep adding fees whenever possible, but we will maintain aid to set off for the acquisition of vessels from under 40 years to rejuvenate possible sector and stabilize the census”.
In addition, the Minister said that “ahead of the first projects Groups
Coastal Action, which will help boost our coastal towns as they should diversify income”.

Distri, JUREL Y Sardina
Regarding the TAC, Martinez cited not only the maintenance fee anchovy in the Bay of Biscay or the expected increase in the beautiful, but also the “significant increase in the quota of mackerel in Cantabria Madrid asserted their historical rights to the fishery”.

A todo ello se ha sumado ahora el acuerdo con Portugal que implementa la cuota de jurel o el nuevo plan de gestión de la sardina, “that will allow us to reconcile the exploitation of the resource, essential for the inshore fleet, with conservation of the stock, which accuses excessive weakness. We must preserve the recruitments. We played a lot”.

Finalmente, la consejera ponderó los nuevos sistemas de gestión de cuota, que han permitido, por ejemplo, “Olympic banish fishing landings sort and generate better income. That was the goal and I sincerely believe that it has complied”.

“Surely there will be issues that have to be polished all the time, but I have no doubt is that if we win the future, that victory begins by designing a go this we avoid making the mistakes of the past”Concluded the owner of Fisheries.

SOURCE: Eleconomista.es

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