Home / News / Eel Fishing Fee is 5000 tonnes in 2014
Cuota de Pesca de Anguila será de 5.000 toneladas en 2014

Eel Fishing Fee is 5000 tonnes in 2014

The Ministry of Production (Produce) set at five thousand tons Fee for Fisheries for the year 2014 Anguilla, based on scientific advice from the Instituto del Mar del Peru (Imarpe).

According to the Ministerial Order, which establishes a provisional scheme for the extraction of the species, the capture period is between January 1 and December 31, 2014, in the whole area of ​​the Peruvian maritime domain.

Fishing in Anguilla will be made within the prescribed period or to cover fee of five thousand tonnes allocated.

Las actividades extractivas sólo podrán ser realizadas por las embarcaciones pesqueras cuyos armadores hayan cumplido con las condiciones y plazos previstos en la primera Disposición Complementaria Final del Reglamento de Ordenamiento Pesquero del Recurso Anguila y se encuentren comprendidos en el listado publicado en el portal institucional del Ministerio de la Producción.

Estos armadores están obligados a firmar con la Dirección General de Supervisión y Fiscalización de Produce un convenio de fiel y cabal cumplimiento de la norma.

Similarly, vessels must have authorized the Satellite Tracking System (SISESAT) plus permanently emitting signals from GPS to find your position. The reports will allow you to know any infringements.

DG and Coastguards Defense Ministry authorized the departure of the vessels only if they have the right SISESAT operation.

Furthermore, processing plants eel resource for direct human consumption are also required to sign an agreement of fair and full compliance with the standard and may only receive the resource craft which signed a similar agreement.

The ships that draw laAguila should take on board the presence of Scientific and Technical Research (ICT), the Instituto del Mar del Peru, if required by the institution. The aim is to check the landing specialist product and the total weight, then reaching a report to the Ministry of Production.

Similarly, the owners provide the necessary inspectors Produce in monitoring fishing activities facilities.

The breach of the provisions of the Ministerial Resolution shall be punished as provided by the General Fisheries Act, the Consolidated Text of the Rules of Inspections and Appeals Fisheries and Aquaculture, and other applicable laws.

SOURCE: Rpp.com.pe

About Peru Pesquero

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