Home / News / National / Yurimaguas port will be affected by lack of waterway
Puerto de Yurimaguas será afectado por falta de hidrovía

Yurimaguas port will be affected by lack of waterway

The construction of the Port of Yurimaguas (Loreto) -in which will invest about US $ 66 million- have an advance of 20%, which is expected to start operating the first Puerto Fluvial concesionado the country will be in July

However, the good news of the progress of work is overshadowed by the doubts generated at the dealership the delay in granting the Amazon waterway.

And so, after the sudden cancellation of the tender for the waterway (February 5), the project back to square one and threw away the few options that the port was operating at its actual capacity: 600,000 tonnes of cargo per year

In this new scenario, Benitez believes it is "Important dialogue with the state and seek alternative solutions that allow us to develop the new Port Terminal".

While the company does not say, it can be deduced that their concern is because the financial scheme with which bid for the port expected incomes above the minimum guaranteed by the State in its PAMO (pay for maintenance and operation) of US $ 2.71 million a year.

That requires the State to think of any special compensation? While the Holder of the sector, José Gallardo, has recognized the importance of the Port of Yurimaguas, the Transport Ministry said on this point that "There is no contractual obligation towards ensuring the development of operations [Port Terminal] to Brazil".

Regardless of whether or not contractual obligation, logic says that the state has decided to co-finance the IIRSA Norte road, port and waterway (to materialize the concession) in order to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the regions of northeastern the country, and improve the competitiveness of their products. But the virtuous circle prescribed in intermodal hub is truncated without waterway, but not monetary obligations of the State with dealers.

But while the potential foreign cargo that can absorb the Port is now on standby, the opposite happens with the local load. The executive states that since last year began commercial management with major oil in their area of ​​influence. "They are hoping to have the infrastructure to ensure the safety of their charges"Said Benitez.

Additionally, the dealer will resume contacts with entrepreneurs from Manaus (Brazil) who are interested in having an exit corridor to the Pacific via our country.

SOURCE: Elcomercio.pe

About Genesis Vasquez Saldana

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