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Por perjudicial venta de cuotas de Atún

By selling shares harmful Tuna

Contracts for special supplies of foreign tuna seiners vessels national processing plants, with annual supply capacity 50 milTm. landing capacity, divided into 10 ships each with a capacity of average metric tons (MT) hold not only minimizes our profitability in the sector of tuna, but the social cost is even higher for sources work is lost annually.

In contrast Ecuador is arguably the first American power in tuna fishing and processing, such activity is the third entry of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), annually processing approx. 640 000 T. M. Tuna, while Peru's barely 5mil TM

The north country has an installed processing capacity on land near the 900 thousand tons / day which is equivalent to an annual processing capacity exceeding to 640 thousand MT

As a state, Ecuador enjoys a protectionist policy tuna industry, based on the premise that taxes should not be affected with all the elements that lead to export value-added tuna and fuel is part of the production chain.

Peruvian Reality
Our country since 1998 has become a computer tuna Country: SOLD FISHING PERMITS for foreign flag vessels to operate in its waters.

Potential Tuna in the production chain
However highlighted that for every thousand metric tons of tuna processed 450 direct and indirect jobs generated work. This means that with 50 000 tonnes landed annually is allowed to generate in our country 22 000 500 direct and indirect jobs: stevedores, workshops metal mechanics, sales of parts, sales of supplies, aid stations, restaurants, hotels, bus tickets, air, etc.

Economic Movement:
Only to the Owners; 50 thousand metric tons multiplied by $ 2 thousand dollars the .M. (Average price), a movement of $ 100'000,000.00 occur, only the marketing of frozen fish in bulk.

On discharge, each boat Tuna performs approximately US $ $ 500,000 (for food provisioning, fuel, lubricants, repairs, spare parts shops, hotels, airfare, etc.) costs
Let us analyze the chain, Process Plants: 50 thousand MT frozen tuna extracted 22 000 500 T. M. loins of the species, and if each ton has a market value of US $ 6.300 MT spine, we find an income of US $ 141'750,000.00 (forex selling tuna loins).
If these costs 141'750,000.00 least have an interesting amount our country forgone tax income of approximately $ 12'525,000, and if we go further and you subtract US $ 5'250,000 in respect of fuel subsidy

We are denied Development
But that remains a utopia because túnida reality of our country is different, the State not only stops producing jobs, our national processing plants lags well

"Rejects" income that would strengthen the bottom of the public treasury by concepts of income tax, but even more damaging the development of the Peruvian people is denied.

Such vessels require an average of 45 fishing days (average radius of action is 2 thousand miles round trip outside territorial waters most of the year, to capture metric tons of tuna mostly keg).

COUNTRY Price per gallon
Venezuela X US $ 0.08 gallon of fuel
Ecuador X US $ 0.90 a gallon. fuel
Colombia X US $ 1.57 gallon of fuel
Mexico X US $ 1.75 gallon of fuel

Observe cuadro nº01: Sudamericana photo.

By: Juan Abel Neira Balta

Lawyer specializing tuna

About Peru Pesquero

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