Home / News / "We are not crazy to throw $ 8 million in pipes to the Sea"
“No somos locos de tirar 8 millones de dólares en tuberías al Mar”

"We are not crazy to throw $ 8 million in pipes to the Sea"

In an extensive interview with the President of the Association of Producers of Flour, Canned Fish Oil and Ferrol, Miguel Tirado APROFERROL Jose Melgar, to clarify this troubling issue, which had faced both the provincial municipality of Santa, around

To Tirado, the subject begins several years ago, when most of the companies involved in the project APROCHIMBOTE, as the consolidation of companies starts, begin to reduce these by mergers, then displayed the themes of PAMA, smoke discharges
Regarding the change of name of APROCHIMBOTE to APROFERROL President makes clear that it is not the will of three, but a normative obligation SUNAT, for the simple fact that a service is sold, "if we do a business,

Speaking to PERUPESQUERO, José Miguel Tirado, indicates that about two years ago in APROCHIMBOTE 30 companies registered, comunicándoseles SUNAT forced them to be a APROFERROL, causing a disagreement on some partners who would not pass this bill because they imagined that

Moreover, also clarified that the management of Rolph Klingemberger, he made an estimate on the cost of the project, after meeting with people of Taboada project and considering the benefits it would bring the same, estimated approximately 40 million dollars, a sum

As for parody, the confusion between the actors involved in this project Tirado said that both fishmeal and canning, they should collect 10 tons per hour, but not because two companies have so decided, it was an agreement signed
It is known that plants for human consumption, should be supplemented plant residual meal without thinking about reuse, and this is where the rule is distorted, a situation that is hidden to anyone;

PERUPESQUERO posture is not impute to APPROFERROL, but unfortunately this is the fisheries sector, complex, random, do not know where that can happen to businesses, so it is necessary to take precautions;

"Totally agree and that I'm not going to argue, because I know Chimbote, and if I have to get out a little theme Apro, the problem here is market as we speak with the Deputy Minister of Fisheries, even I did emphasize

For many, another concern is to measure the production capacity, in addition to the canners have not set the Maximum Permissible Limits therefore was under no obligation to be within APROFERROL.
Now, when the ratio of APROCHIMBOTE to APROFERROL is changed, many decided not to enter the project costs the same, but their distribution was different, and as an explanation of the official, indicates that employers contributed $ 110,000 of participation and investment, pass

However, there are doubts about the cost of the project, ensuring that the 18 million dollars have been spent only to trunk, the canneries are now distributed throughout the area of ​​Florida, both high and low;
Something that should not be in doubt is the position of the canners, they did not have they had to buy their tubes to access the issuer, a situation that was not established in the record to which the representative APROFERROL concerned, who stated that

Another problem that generated the advertised project APROFERROL were permits for work on land, the provincial municipality Santa, must have given them, not only to build the core but also their ownership and the fact that the public is not

He made a sort of mea culpa, accepting that there are errors, and are working to make amends, because like chimbotanos, one of the objectives of APROFERROL is that the bay can not continue to pollute, "We're working on it, but you at
"I really do not understand why instead of suggesting improvements, we question, James Cavenago, who talk for two hours, derepente he turns and PRODUCE going to say that the project is bad, but does not say which is wrong to review it and if he thinks he does not walk, there is no problem that does not come and seek a solution that is valid, but put him to stick to a project; nobody here is doing smuggling, no business, the less they profit; to JADA costing $ 376,000, on which contribution comes "Tirado said.

What is unusual of the entire conversation with José Miguel Tirado, is to insist that the money contributed by employers, no return, meaning that it is an unrecoverable money, the project is not a business, not a

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