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Los secretos submarinos que reveló la búsqueda del vuelo MH370

Submarines secrets revealed MH370 flight search

An underwater landscape of extinct volcanoes and valleys 1,400 meters deep.
Here's the bottom of the sea south of the Indian Ocean, following the detailed images of the seabed that has spread team looking for the remains of Flight MH370.
So far, had gotten better maps of Mars that this part of the ocean floor.
Access to the secrets of one of the most unknown places in the world is the unintended consequence of tracking Malaysian Airlines plane that disappeared on March 8 last with 239 passengers on board.
In pursuit of the Boeing 777 have participated 26 countries, but have not found any trace.

Mountains under the sea

Investigators from the Transportation Security Agency of Australia (ATSB), who lead the search for aircraft use sonar (acoustic radar location) to map the new search area “priority”In the bottom of the southernmost part of the Indian Ocean.
After completing the map, two or three underwater vehicles will be sent to begin the laborious task of tracking the bottom inch by inch for traces of fuselage.

zona prioritaria

Area “priority” is based on the only material evidence for scientists, a series of short electronic greetings between the aircraft and a satellite.
It is equivalent to a mobile phone buzzing near speakers because it is communicating with the antenna, even when not on a call.
However, these “hall” e do not give an exact location, just an approximation. Therefore, the area is still 60.000km2 a little lower than Panama size.
However, these data are not designed to find the plane, because the resolution is very thick, but do provide a detailed picture of the seabed, says Simon Boxall, National Oceanography Centre, UK.
And the elevations, which scientists call mountains and identified as ancient submarine volcanoes are part of their findings.

Depresiones sub marinos

“These 'packages’ on the seabed in the flat plains south of the plateau of the submarine plateau of Broken Ridge are each higher than Ben Nevis (the highest peak in the UK)”, Compara Boxall.
“The terrain of the area around Broken Ridge makes hills look like the European Alps”Says the specialist.

Maps for underwater explorers

The maps made from the scan sonar are vital to ensure that the underwater vehicles crash into canyons and volcanoes.
These artifacts by the united seabed crawl 10km shielded cable.
If this cable is hooked, it may be damaged or even break. So important are the maps to avoid obstacles.
Underwater explorers are equipped with technology sonar to locate strange protrusions, with cameras that can verify if these packages are wreckage or just rock and electronic nose can detect jet fuel in the water, even if it is very diluted.
Search operations flight MH370 are the most complex in history.
It could take months to find a clue, or they could never find the missing plane.
But for now, they have discovered a deep landscape full of mountains and depths that had not been explored.

SOURCE: Bbc.co.uk

About Genesis Vasquez Saldana

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