Home / News / They burned in Piura 161 tons of dried marine resources illegally
Incineraron en Piura 161 toneladas de recursos marinos secados ilegalmente

They burned in Piura 161 tons of dried marine resources illegally

A total of 161 tons of marine resources in Anchovy, Anguilla, Hake, Squid and Perico varieties, which were dried in the open illegally, were incinerated after a joint operation conducted by various institutions in the province of Paita, Piura Region.
Several institutions incinerate tons of dried marine resources illegally.

Officials of the Ministry of Production (Produce), Attorney General, Division of Tourism and Environment of the National Police of Peru and agents of the Police Division Sullana, involving seven plains with an area of ​​17 hectares, where it was done drying of aquatic resources, causing serious damage to the environment.

The Public Prosecutor ordered the burning of all species, while the Supervisory Control and Produce administratively sanctioned seven owners who commit this illegal activity.

During the operation also involved a shipyard where a new vessel of 20 tons capacity was built.
Produce and address harbormaster (DICAPI) of Piura, have already initiated penalty procedures against those who violate the rule prohibiting the construction of new vessels.

Since 2012 the Ministry of Production has intensified the work of control and supervision to enforce standards and combat illegalities committed in the Fisheries Sector.
One of these crimes is the drying process resources such as anchovy and other human consumption, which are diverted to the production of fishmeal.

SOURCE: Andina, Lima.

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