Home / News / Extended fishing season was decided on the basis of scientific and technical criteria
Extensión de temporada de pesca se decidió en base a criterios técnicos y científ

Extended fishing season was decided on the basis of scientific and technical criteria

The length of the fishing season, questioned by a section of the opposition, it was decided on the basis of technical and scientific determined by the Instituto del Mar del Peru (Imarpe) criteria, confirmed today the Minister of Production, Piero Ghezzi.

During the final at the end of the discussion of the general government policy in Congress speech, Ghezzi said the Imarpe issued a report in which it warned that catching Anchovy and spawning process had been affected by the phenomenon of children registered in Peruvian waters.

Therefore, he said, the Ministry of Production ten days decided to extend the fishing season.
“Basado en ese informe, el Ministerio toma la decisión de ampliar la temporada de pesca (…)”, indicó.

Según un sector de la oposición, la temporada de pesca de la mencionada especie marítima fue aprobada luego de la intervención de algunos lobbies que presionaron al gobierno para favorecer intereses empresariales.
“La ampliación de la temporada de pesca se basó en criterios científicos, no de discrecionalidad política, sino en base al informe del Imarpe”, manifestó el Ministro.

New engines
On the other hand, reiterated the importance Ghezzi Plan Productive Diversification in the effort to provide the national economy "new engines" that drive their growth in a context of low prices of raw materials exported by Peru.

Clarified that this initiative is not intended to replace mining and energy projects in national development.

Instead, he stressed, the goal is to "inject new engines" that generate formal employment and quality in Peru, a situation so far is pending.

He said some achievements of this plan will be achieved in the next government because it contains long-term measures.

SOURCE: Andina.com.pe

About Peru Pesquero

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