Home / News / International / The Fish of healing: their cells have the ability to fight enfemedades
El Pez de la sanación: sus células tienen la capacidad de combatir enfemedades

The Fish of healing: their cells have the ability to fight enfemedades

The cells were first discovered by the Japanese K. Moro, in mice and humans, and now the Mexican Ruth Wood Lizzeth Sandoval won the discovery in common carp.

The finding is associated lymphoid cell fatty tissue (FALC, for its acronym in English), which generate cytokines, small substances that promote an inflammatory or anti-inflammatory function, involved in many processes of-the immune system that allows defend human strangeness that enters the body.

The functions of the FALC stands defense against parasites and intestinal helminths entering our body. The FALC cause cells inflate and expel the worms.

Lymphoid cells exposed Lizzeth Ruth Wood, summon other, a subgroup of blood cells called eosinophils, which have granules that kill worms and other parasites that are normally found in the intestine.

Another property of the FALC is that they can combat allergic diseases such as asthma.

Ruth Lizzeth, Master's student at the National Polytechnic Institute, notes that his discovery is a contribution of Mexican science to the world.

SOURCE: Diariocorreo.pe

About Genesis Vasquez Saldana

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