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"Production diversification to mitigate climate change on fisheries"

The development of this sector can not revolve around a single species. You must be a diversification that attention to direct human consumption is critical and Aquaculture is presented as an opportunity for sustained growth.
The major action of Peru to mitigate the negative effects of climate change in Fishing is the implementation of the National Plan of Productive Diversification (PNDP), a government initiative that will lay the foundation for sustained growth of the country based on the development of value added.

This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Fisheries, Juan Carlos Requejo, who explains that this economic activity can not and should revolve around one or a few species.

"It is best to promote the development of other fisheries; ie productive diversification that also highlight other varieties such as Pota, Perico and the Tuna, among others. Not only is fish more but also to generate more value ", Told the official gazette El Peruano.

In all these cases are arranged regulations for the construction of plants for producing frozen and canned. "Not only for export, but also to promote local consumption because they are important sources of protein, essential for food security of the country".


Requejo asserts that the significant growth in local and international demand for the products of direct human consumption opens a great opportunity for the development of Aquaculture activity in Peru.

“La implementación del PNDP será fundamental, pues acelerará la generación de valor en este rubro, en que el Perú tiene condiciones suficientes para liderar la Actividad Acuícola en América Latina”, says.

Our country has suitable conditions for the production of scallops, prawns, Tilapia, Trout and Paiche, among others. There are even Amazonian species such as Paco and Gamitana, which are highly demanded by the market species.

"Through a public-private partnership will identify those barriers that are preventing or limiting the economic boom of Aquaculture to promote their disposal"He explains.

Thus may be considered to capture the necessary investments to drive sustained growth of this sector.

Concerns that Peru has a high growth potential and excellent conditions for a high quality Aquaculture. The world recognizes that strength, added the Deputy Minister.

“En la dirección que vamos, tranquilamente el Perú será en los próximos cinco años una potencia mundial en la producción acuícola”, stresses.


On the other hand, Requejo indicates that the Ministry of Production (Produce) are refining the structures that allow gradually increase the percentage of Fisheries engaged in the direct human consumption, decreasing the share of production of fishmeal.

“Debemos tener presente que hay un aumento significativo en la demanda internacional de Anchoveta para el Consumo Humano Directo”, says.

Furthermore, believes that companies not diversify or not incorporating technology for development Fisheries species for direct human consumption end out of the market.

"We must make use of technology and best practices in the management of harvested species to reach consumers in optimum conditions and reduce losses. This will raise the competitiveness of the sector steadily ".

Leadership in sustainable management

The measures taken by the Peru this year have to regain its regional leadership position in sustainable fisheries management, Requejo said. "By developing greater control in artisanal fisheries, we are covering an area we needed". Therefore, he stressed the subscription "Ten commitments to responsible and sustainable fisheries", An initiative promoted by Produce. Among the agreements contained eliminate overfishing of juvenile fish, respect the prohibition of fishing in restricted areas, use permitted gear and tackle Fishing, among others.


Aquaculture is recognized as future activity in the Fisheries Sector.

Globally, aquaculture has surpassed meat production.

Commercial aggregates contribute to informing what marine industry is suing the international market.

Prospects in the Fisheries Sector for 2015 are favorable. Requejo expected takeoff catching squid for direct human consumption (600,000 tonnes of best quality).

Are projected to capture Anchoveta seasons will go to normal in 2015.

SOURCE: Elperuano.pe

About Genesis Vasquez Saldana

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