Home / News / International / Cuota de captura provisional de Anguila 5,500 toneladas
Cuota de captura provisional de Anguila 5,500 toneladas

Cuota de captura provisional de Anguila 5,500 toneladas

La cuota provisional permisible de extracción de la Anguila (Ophichthus remiger) será de 5,500 toneladas en el 2016, según RM 438-2015-PRODUCE. Lo que favorecerá una explotación racional y sostenible, señaló el Ministerio de la Producción, Produce.

De esta manera, desde mañana se aplicará este régimen sobre la actividad extractiva y de procesamiento de la Anguila, que culminará el 31 de diciembre del 2016 y que abarca todo el ámbito del dominio marítimo peruano.

Eel is a resource recovery, what is required to reduce fishing effort to ensure that key biological reference points are at sustainable levels, so its fisheries management is established through provisional extraction regimes.

A recent report by the Instituto del Mar del Peru, IMARPE, said projections show biomass Eel catches that achieve sustainable levels are below the maximum sustainable yield, consequently, the quota set for this year will not should exceed 5,500 tons per year at most.

Extractive activities can be performed with small-scale fishing vessels whose owners have with existing permit for the extraction of Anguilla fishing.

They must have the beacon platform Satellite Tracking System (Sisesat), the same signals to be broadcast GPS (Global Positioning System) position permanently.

Holders of industrial fishing establishments that process the eel resource must have valid operating license and with the health protocol issued by the competent authority for the processing of this appeal.

Bycatch of juveniles occur in higher percentages than 20 percent for three consecutive days or five alternate days over a period of seven days, it Produces will suspend fishing in the area of ​​occurrence for a period of up to seven consecutive days.


About Peru Pesquero

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