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Peruvian Congress installed Parliamentary Front against Hunger

The Front, which brings together seven Congressional caucuses, which will ensure the establishment of appropriate regulatory frameworks for Food Safety, Food Family Farming and School to serve the 2.7 million hungry people in the country.

The Congress today finalized its commitment to eradicating hunger by creating the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger (FPH) from Peru, adding to the 14 already established throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Peruvian Front work in coordination with civil society and aim to align the legislative initiatives on Food Safety of the different blocs and exchange experiences with their regional peers to support national policy frameworks. Congressman Modesto Julca Jara (Peru Posible), Coordinator Front emphasized "Challenge progress in the realization of the legislative framework of the Right to Food, Food and Nutritional Security and Family Farming".

Marisol Espinoza, Vice President of the Republic, urged the new front, which brings together seven congressional caucuses to concentrate their efforts on the small farmer, as a key player in the fight against hunger. “Tenemos que asumir el compromiso y la obligación de sacar adelante leyes y trabajar de forma articulada con el Ejecutivo en programas y políticas públicas enfocadas en el agricultor familiar”, Espinoza said.

John Preissing, Agent FAO in Peru, remember that "In Peru, more than 4 million people were going hungry in the past two decades but we are still far from the only acceptable number: zero hunger". En ese sentido, "FAO pledges its support and technical assistance in these legislative processes and the work of the newly created Front to promote laws that guarantee the full exercise of the right to food, especially for the 2.7 million Peruvians who are still hungry"He said.

Finally, the newly appointed Secretaries Front, Congress Claudia Coari Mamani (Dignity and Democracy) and Thomas Zamudio Briceño (Peru Posible) referred to the need to work jointly to the Committees on Agriculture and Social Inclusion of Congress and put as New Front urgent task to unlock the Food Safety Act for immediate enactment.

At the installation meeting of the Front were present as representatives of civil society, as Redar, the National Platform of Family Farming COECI and CEPES, among others.

Parliamentary Front Against Hunger in Latin America and Caribbean

The Parliamentary Front against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean, as a plural platform that brings together regional, subregional and national legislators interested in fighting hunger, along with representatives of civil society emerged as a response to the need to address the political commitment to fight hunger from the legislative field.

The goal of the Coalition is to achieve durable solutions, through agreements and laws to defeat hunger, make a regional Food Security strategic issue and turn Latin America and the Caribbean in a region without hunger.

SOURCE: Fao.org

About Genesis Vasquez Saldana

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