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Chilean Sea Peruvian Anchovy takes

directorWhen the government issues its autograph, the vast majority of Peruvians enter a kind of shock due to the uncertainty that creates them. We assume wrongful 1084, accepted a DS 017, then as a clever coup in August 2012 DS 005, which many experts and scholars have conceptualized is directed to benefit fishermen Anchovy in Chile detriment of shipowners appears southern Peru, according to substantiate the representative of national anchoveteros, Alberto Borea.
Before the enactment of this rule, fishermen around the Peruvian coast, they questioned considering it harmful;
The reality of the anchovy fishery in the country is raw and hard, that I know fishermen deal from dawn to dusk fishing in our waters;
The next day (March 10) released the report of a crestfallen Minister of Production came to defend his rule stating that historically migratory flows Anchovy benefited Peru and Chile at certain times;
“It is true that Chilean fishermen benefit, scientists have pointed IMARPE and have argued that this is not so.
Triveño seems unaware that is a SCIENTIST IMARPE agency whose task is to advise and make recommendations to the executive, to making for the sustainable use of fisheries resources is taken but NOT to set a fee, if so this other political representation
The worst was when President Ollanta Humala, left to support their Minister and hence the impugned law, arguing that the Peruvian anchoveta is endangered because six companies caught 1,901 tonnes of juvenile anchovy, without respecting the decree issued by the Ministry of Production, which instructs anglers fishing south beyond 10 miles from the sea line.
Tampoco pudo sustentar ante los medios locales, que esa medida estaría siendo aprovechada por los pescadores del norte de Chile que ingresan al mar peruano ante una supuesta falta de control en esa zona de la frontera marítima, “must recognize the sacrifice of small fishermen, but we also know of irresponsibility and corruption of large corporations that have plundered, if there Anchovy is because it has been plundered him; Anchovy say go for Chile is a bit trite and meaningless”Replied the governor.
From the beginning of his administration, his government policy on fishing theme, is completely invalid, and if there is any interest in actually strengthen Chile should promote standards and regulations, in which this type of invasion penalizing
Ask the representative, if the small and medium canning industry, selling its products to PRONAA, the disappearance of this, what reason have to follow in the field of CHD, canners the fileteras, artisanal fishermen, traders, longshoremen, etc? What kind of power we would be without this important sector, given that the country and the world cries out food.
Still, you have time to reflect President; and instead of asking for wisdom to the press denouncing the invasion of Chilean fishermen, although costing accept, they are taking the standard for fishing in Peruvian waters, should demand the same of their Ministers and commercial attachés in embassies that do lobbyists with fishing and Chilean shipping companies, often serving as a bridge between the buyer and seller Chile Peru.

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